
The Dream Cycle 2008.12

Poisonous Fields of the Wolf Pack
I was standing in a field of flowers but as pretty as they were, I knew they were poisonous. What's more everything had a strange greyness to it, which created a very ominous feeling... foreboding.

In this field I came to realize I was being stalked by a pack of wolves, they were large - bigger than any wolf I've seen on TV. They were colored in different shades of muted purple and they looked... not right. Like there was something unclean or unholy about them.

I was circled by them, yet I tried to run, to get away. That is when they closed in, driven by the predator instinct. They tore me to pieces, I could feel my flesh, tendons, and bones separate. Different pieces of me dragged to different areas of the field and I still had consciousness in every piece of rent flesh. I had thought that it was the poison in the flower's pollen that kept my consciousness in my body. I could feel the teeth of the wolves gouging chunks of meat. I could feel the ground, grass, and flowers scraping against me as I dragged to the different areas of the field. And for a second, I had a bird's eye view of the grizzly scene... red adding to the grey and muted purple.


Blogger Ken said...

Little Shop... little shop of horrors, bop shoo bop!

4:28 PM  

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