
The Blood In My Veins

is boiling. BOILING!

The company I work for, once again, denied my tuition reimbursement. Today is going to be such an interesting day at work.

The first denial was to due to an incomplete application. No big deal, I completed the part that was missing and resubmitted it via fax.

*pause for two weeks*

The second denial arrives... my blood is beginning to simmer. It states that the program I'm taking requires the signature of the VP of Human Resources. Ok, let me explain why that's actually NOT needed. In the tuition reimbursement instructions, it states that a degree that is not science, business, or engineering related requires that signature. Yet, my degree is a Bachelor of Science. These people who work in the approval department have their heads so far up their asses they can see their teeth.

Whatever. I got the signature with the help of my manager and waited.

*pause for another two fucking weeks*

The third denial arrives... my blood is officially boiling now. It's like lava in my veins. Now they are saying that A - What I have submitted is not acceptable and B - School, Course, or Fee does not meet program guidelines. FUCKING BULLSHIT.

How the hell can the shit that I'm learning in class, which is the SAME SHIT that I do at work, not be acceptable?? And how the fuck can it not meet program guidelines??? I followed their fucking worthless instructions!

And these two-week pauses between submitting shit is stupid. Snail mail is the way of the dinosaurs. We got email now you fucking rejects, use it.


Blogger Los said...

So, now what? Are you gonna call somebody down there to see what the deal is?

8:39 AM  
Blogger realityCheck21 said...

Just remember that you're dealing with people in FloriDUH!

Don't you know that Jeb Bush authorized a secret state program where a specific type of microwave is radiated daily throughout the state that depletes people's mental capacity? It was supposed to be a temporary measure in 2000 to get GW elected, but since it was so effective, they made it a permanent program.

8:58 AM  

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