
Writer's Workshop, 4-2-09

So I haven't written anything for Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop for a while now. Sometimes I don't feel inspired to write, sometimes I'm just plain lazy. Either or, I'm back at the keys now. The prompt below tweaked my interest, so here we go.

Describe a moment when you felt afraid.

Pittsburgh. June of '98. Tornado.
I was living in Pittsburgh while going to college out there. (Art Institute of Pittsburgh, aw right!) I remember I had just gotten back from classes, took the Incline up Mt. Washington and walked back to my apartment. I had made a bowl of rigatoni and just sat down to eat when it got really, REALLY loud outside.

I went over to the window and peaked outside. I saw on the street below (apt. was on the second floor) a pick-up truck stopped at a stop sign, then a f@#$ing roof FELL on the pickup truck! He backed up quick and took off and I went ruinning into the center of the building downstairs. It sounded like there was a freight train everywhere. All around was this roaring sound. It scared nine shades of grey out of me.

Eventually the wind died down. My apt. building took minor damage. The chimney collapsed and some siding was ripped off. Just down the street, though, was a different story. The photo to the right is only a half a block away from where I lived. The tornado was a F1, "little" compared to other tornados. Still enough to rip the third floor off a couple homes though.


Blogger Jennifer said...

That is scary. I would have crapped my pants right there! Scary, scary stuff!

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's crazy. Very scary.
Just stopping by to say hi. I am a first time participant. Check out my non profit website
We need help spreading the word

9:15 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

There has to be a stronger word for that than "afraid." Traumatized, maybe? I would have been considering a school transfer, maybe not gone forward with on, but it would have seriously been considered, lol...

12:20 AM  
Blogger CJ said...

I remember that. I am from that area and I was driving well north of the city and listening to WDUQ (NPR) when it suddenly went off the air. I tuned into another station and soon heard about the tornado.

I moved to a small town (where I live now) in 1987. After moving here, I learned that a tornado went through a year or 2 earlier. Driving on various roads in the area, one could see the storm's path where all the trees had been flattened. I don't think anyone was hurt seriously, but a few people lost homes, barns, and cattle.

It always amazes me how weather can be so destructive. Luckily this area doesn't have many or strong tornados, but then my basement had 4 feet of water after the remnants of a hurricane came this way a few years ago ---and I felt lucky that it didn't get to the first floor or totally destroy our home as it did to homes only a few blocks away.

2:38 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

There has to be a funny moment in this story somewhere.

8:50 AM  
Blogger KatBouska said...

SCARY! I have never witnessed a tornado and hope I never have to!! I think I would have been camped out under my bed or something!!

10:31 AM  

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