
Writer's Workshop

Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop? I'm taking the 'write' out of Writer's Workshop and replacing it with 'paint'. :) Pictures speak louder than words on this one, though I think the photos don't do them justice - still getting used to this new Olympus camera. (Yeah, I suck at photography.)

Describe a talent you have - Chinese Brush Painting.

The following paintings are currently mounted on drawing board as they dry during the backing process.

Bamboo and Leaves Mounted
Bamboo and Leaves.

Shuen paper with a rice paper backing. Painted in ink.

Gallery One
Gallery One.

This is a reproduction I did of a painting by my teacher, Jiang Zhe Zhou. I used watercolor and ink. Once again it's shuen paper with a rice paper backing.

Bamboo in Moonlight
Bamboo in Moonlight.

I experimented with paint droplets and a lack of ink to create a moon effect. The bamboo is in ink and paint. This is Japanese rice paper backed on more Japanese rice paper.


Blogger Kati said...

You are very talented!!

7:29 AM  
Blogger Los said...

Ink, you are a major talent, my friend.

8:02 PM  
Blogger CJ said...

I like your Chinese-style paintings. I thought about writing about my art work at Mama Kat's, but I was just too busy. So I'm glad you represented the art world this week.

2:44 AM  

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