
Writer's Workshop, 01-08-2009

Here we go with Mama Kat's writer's workshop again. My first time with writing in the New Year... besides haikus, that is.

So I asked each of my sisters to write 6 descriptive words about me. Of course Donna gave me 7. (Poor girl can't count... j/k!) And here they are:

6 descriptive words about me from a family member... or two in this case.

From Michelle:
1. Sensitive
2. Humorous
3. Thoughtful
4. Caring
5. Intelligent
6. Philosophical

From Donna:
1. Sensitive
2. Loyal
3. Trustworthy
4. Funny
5. Shy
6. Smart
7. Stubborn

Pretty much on the money I think. Interesting that sensitive was at the top of the list on each. Stubborn, though? It's not that I'm stubborn, I just know when I'm right! ;-P

[EDIT - Wow my grammar SUCKS today. :/]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you're getting two people saying nice things, it's gotta be accurate! :D

3:25 PM  
Blogger Los said...

How much did you pay them?

9:00 PM  

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