Writer's Workshop
Mama Kat has put up the next set of prompts over at her blog for the writer's workshop. Think I'll write about something a little more personal this week.
Write about something that bothered you this week.
This past Monday my mother was in the hospital to get her pacemaker replaced. The old pacemaker was running out of juice which in turn meant her ticker was running out of juice. She even mentioned that she could feel the pacemaker was losing energy since she would get tired more easily from moderate exercise. That is a scary thought to know that your heart is slowing down. I was worried for my makuahine!
It was outpatient surgery and she went through it just fine. Luckily, my sister works at the hospital where my mom was getting the operation done. This afforded me the play-by-play of what was happening. Here are some of my sister's text messages, paraphrased: "Mom arrived at the hospital", "She's now in pre-op and on hold", "The op is starting later than planned now", "She's gone in!", "Mom came through with flying colors!", "I'm taking the rest of the day off now".
Both of my sisters and I worry ourselves sick whenever either Mom or Dad need to go into the hospital. Though I figure most families have that same mindset. No sleeping, no eating, just worry worry worry. The bad thing is we have these kind of worries even for the little things. "Dad's going in for a checkup?? What's wrong? What kind of checkup? Do you need me there to drive? Is it his thyroid again? Its just a regular checkup? No such thing!" Yeah, we're freaks. :)
And I personally despise hospitals. I don't see them as places of healing. I see them as cold, clinical, breeding grounds for germs. Never mind the fact that hospitals contain monolithic potential for zombie infestation that is absolutely staggering. (Yes, I've been playing Left 4 Dead. ;P )
Write about something that bothered you this week.
This past Monday my mother was in the hospital to get her pacemaker replaced. The old pacemaker was running out of juice which in turn meant her ticker was running out of juice. She even mentioned that she could feel the pacemaker was losing energy since she would get tired more easily from moderate exercise. That is a scary thought to know that your heart is slowing down. I was worried for my makuahine!
It was outpatient surgery and she went through it just fine. Luckily, my sister works at the hospital where my mom was getting the operation done. This afforded me the play-by-play of what was happening. Here are some of my sister's text messages, paraphrased: "Mom arrived at the hospital", "She's now in pre-op and on hold", "The op is starting later than planned now", "She's gone in!", "Mom came through with flying colors!", "I'm taking the rest of the day off now".
Both of my sisters and I worry ourselves sick whenever either Mom or Dad need to go into the hospital. Though I figure most families have that same mindset. No sleeping, no eating, just worry worry worry. The bad thing is we have these kind of worries even for the little things. "Dad's going in for a checkup?? What's wrong? What kind of checkup? Do you need me there to drive? Is it his thyroid again? Its just a regular checkup? No such thing!" Yeah, we're freaks. :)
And I personally despise hospitals. I don't see them as places of healing. I see them as cold, clinical, breeding grounds for germs. Never mind the fact that hospitals contain monolithic potential for zombie infestation that is absolutely staggering. (Yes, I've been playing Left 4 Dead. ;P )
It sounds like everythings cool with your mom. Keep us posted.
My mom is going in for cataract (sp?) surgery sometime the next few weeks ... I'm always worrying.
BTW - I think hospitals in theory are great, but when it's run too much like a business, it loses me.
@Los - My Dad had both eyes done for cataracts. He says he sees better now than he has for years. So I think your mom should pull through fine. The only big downside (beside the surgery itself) is that he had to put drops in his eyes for a few weeks after the surgery.
@Reverse - Thanks man, she says she's feeling fine so it's all good!
The banner on my blog seems to have disappeared. Anyone else see it?
I'm glad everything went ok with her.
Ugh. I hate hospitals and I dread when my Mom starts needing assistance!
Hospitals are tricky places and best to avoid. Glad your Mom is doing better!
It is very scary when our parents have medical issues. And hospitals are a necessary evil, I guess.
Thanks for the comments everyone!
I think that everybody (well, most of us!) worry ourselves sick when our parents end up in hospital - I've been there, but right now both Mum and Dad are fine - I hope your Mum stays ok!!
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