
Holiday Memory

Yay! More creative writing for Mama's Losin' It. I was going to go with the poetic option as my subject but decided on the holiday memory instead. Why? Because I have a headache, that's why! Creativity is tough to come by when you want to shove an ice-pick in your leg to make the pain in your head seem pale by comparison. But enough whining... ;-)

Write about a memory related to a holiday.

There was a christmas years ago when I was a wee little Ink that particularly stands out in my mind. It was the day that we got a new member to my family - a little Yorkshire Terrier that we appropriately named Jingles. (I called him Jing for short)
Jing was this happy-go-lucky little frenetic ball of energy. He was friendly to everyone and everything.

My parents had tried to keep him quiet and surprise my sisters and I when we woke up. But that didn't work. The little pup would have nothing of it. For one, we already had a dog named Buttons (she was a Border Collie, I think). Jing was quite vocal with Buttons when my parents brought Jing into the house. (It was around 4 or 5 in the morning and my neighbors had been keeping the pup overnight to help with the surprise) Then the pup decides to go rampaging through the house and jumps on one of my sister's beds. She freaked. And we were all up then. :) And I got a new best friend! :D

I miss that little pup. I remember when any of my family were out and we would come back, Jing would run around the living room in circles very very fast. What's more, he would curl his body sideways while he was running. I have no idea how he kept from tumbling over, but it was hilarious to watch.

Puppies are one of the best gifts a little kid could ever receive. It's a matter of showing unconditional love, respect, and devotion.


Blogger Brandy said...

What a great Christmas present!

9:13 AM  
Blogger katylinvw said...

what a sweet memory :)

11:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What a lovely present!

2:53 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I love Yorkies...they are sooo adorable! Great Post

5:18 PM  
Blogger KatBouska said...

Puppies ARE the best gifts!! I've been given two in my lifetime and they were seriously two of the happiest moments! Jingles sounds adorable!

5:48 PM  
Blogger Lex the mom said...

Yorkies are adorable! Sounds like he enriched your life for sure! Great memory, thanks for sharing it.

3:20 AM  
Blogger Los said...

Don't forget, it's also a responsibility to own a dog ... lots of "owners' don't realize that.

7:04 PM  

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